
Madness project nexus 2 changelog
Madness project nexus 2 changelog

madness project nexus 2 changelog

⦁ĝoc won't pick up the HQ phone anymore when he's clearly standing right next to you. In theory, we've found a low-cost fix for this. ⦁ Since early pre-Alpha days, we've grappled with a Unity glitch where some weapons would knock over physics objects across the screen (often with EXTREME force) when aiming them around. ⦁ Player's squadmates could leave the room in the Story overworld, which made swapping to them impossible. ⦁Ěsylum Patients would refuse to "wake up" and fight if they spawned in unaware. ⦁Ğnemies firing explosive weapons (such as the N51 Mortar) weren't properly firing at the reticle on the ground. ⦁ The 12.7x99mm ammo was named incorrectly in the code using an invalid ASCII character, which led to problems for modders. ⦁ Poorly repeating textures in the Vampire Shrine and Science Tower Courtyard areas made the floor look bad. Looks awesome so far Also, is there any info on what MCd bring to the table if he were to join the team (Sorry if its listed somewhere and Im stupidly missing it.) sigh MHFU-TeamLeader Member since: Jun. You wouldn't normally see this because all current Arena origins use only a single corpus type, but it was painfully visible with custom modder origins. Block Member Level 19 Movie Buff Response to Madness: Project Nexus 2 Good luck Krinkels and The-Swain. ⦁Ĝorpus was displayed in backwards order in your profile/inventory screen. This wouldn't affect existing gameplay, but future updates utilizing corpus would have broken the whole buff system. ⦁Ě niche bug where de/buffs attached to your Corpus could apply/stack after that corpus was broken. The game was checking if they had stopped thrashing before ending the effect, but crit'd enemies die instantly and don't thrash, so the burning process got skipped. ⦁Ĝrit kills with fire damage would cause the target to burn to a husk instantly. Mostly backend changes to streamline and improve it. ⦁ğixed how the game displays quest objectives in the top left of the screen. Now you'll take the melee weapon and drop the two firearms. This should help casual acro gain for most players.FIXED⦁ĝual wielding two firearms when picking up a two-handed melee weapon would cause you to drop one firearm as well as the melee weapon. ⦁ Significant weighting multiplier (currently x5) applied to Acrobatics XP earned in Arena.

madness project nexus 2 changelog

⦁ The Infinite Ammo powerup now applies to melee durability as well. Also, the Patient is invincible at the moment the friend is summoned.

madness project nexus 2 changelog

⦁ The Patient Origin’s imaginary friend got a tweak. ⦁ Trying to play Sleeper Labs with four players would break the stage select screen. ⦁ Despite being the worst driver in Nevada, Doc can no longer kill you at the end of Fickle Friends by accident. ⦁ The enemy indicator that appears over off-screen opponents at the end of waves will get wiped when you bribe them as the Mercenary origin. We’re also giving ’em the AAHW voice set. ⦁ The Agent Origin’s new origin skill allows their pistols to stunlock enemies and ignore even more Tac-Bar within their sweet spot (once you’ve got the skill). MADNESS Project Nexus Patch Notes – JADDED

  • MADNESS Project Nexus Patch Notes – July 12, 2022.

  • Madness project nexus 2 changelog